Ronan - Intrinsic Safety Barriers
An Intrinsically Safe Barrier is a device which limits the power (energy) which can be delivered from a safe area into a hazardous area. Explosions are prevented; not just contained in explosion-proof conduit and housings. Not only is electrical energy (voltage and current) held within safe limits, but also total energy, eliminating the possibility of an explosion due to excessive heat.
More Info PriceRonan - Intrinsic Safety Barriers Model X57
Explosions are prevented; not just contained in explosion-proof conduit and housings. Not only is electrical energy (voltage and current) held within safe limits, but also total energy, eliminating the possibility of an explosion due to excessive heat. Use of barriers and a total intrinsically safe design philosophy offers considerable advantages from cost and safety standpoints.
The following features indicate the clear benefits of choosing an intrinsically safe design instead of an explosion-proof design and reflect the unique features of the Series X57 family of barriers.