TranSwitch semiconductor devices, including many "first-to-market" for SONET/SDH, ATM and broadband technologies, incorporate a broad array of functionality such as framing, multiplexing, adaptation, traffic, and bandwidth management, as well as a multitude of mapping technologies, such as Ethernet-over-SONET/SDH. Our product portfolio provides complete solutions for Carrier Ethernet, Optical Transport, and Broadband Access applications from T1/E1 to OC-48/STM-16 networks. TranSwitch's VLSI products are inherently flexible, many incorporating embedded programmable microcontrollers to rapidly meet customers' new requirements or evolving network standards.
TranSwitch technology and products have been widely deployed in the networks of Carriers, MSOs, and Wireless Operators, and are extensively field proven enabling new equipment and services to be introduced with minimal risk. Using TranSwitch devices, OEM suppliers can effectively integrate Ethernet, ESCON, and FICON, as well as other types of data services, plus SONET/SDH, TDM, ATM, IP and PDH in a single platform improving the network efficiency, reducing costs and enabling converged services like IMS.
Our emphasis on technical innovation and complete reference solutions enables us to define and develop products that permit our customers to achieve faster time-to-market. We have the right technologies to facilitate wireless/wireline convergence. OEMs can incorporate greater functionality, improved reliability and performance in their products. With the high level of integration in our products, we enable our customers to reduce their power consumption, size and cost of their equipment, making it attractive to their customers' the service providers.
TranSwitch products interoperate easily with industry standard interfaces providing a complete solution from end-to-end for Metro and Access platforms.